To transition to full registration a provisionally registered teacher must
The 200 days does not have to be completed in one school or within one year. It may include individual days as well as continuous teaching experience.
Eligible teaching experience commences from the date provisional registration was granted. It must take place in an acceptable setting such as:
Certain other settings may be acceptable, but you must seek the QCT’s approval when you commence teaching.
More information on the standards and how they may be achieved
Information on the types of teaching experience that are acceptable for full registration.
For a summary of the application process see Applying to move from provisional to full registration quick start guide (PDF, 518KB).
Information for teachers delivering an educational program to children in the year immediately before the preparatory year.
For an overview of the process see Provisional registration fact sheet (PDF, 1.9MB)
For evidence requirements for Primary and Secondary teachers see Transition to full registration: Providing evidence of practice (PDF, 5.4MB)
For evidence requirements for Early Childhood teachers see Transition to full registration: An evidence guide for early childhood teachers (PDF, 12.8MB
For an interactive downloadable evidence map against the Standards see Evidence map (PDF, 430KB)
For full details and requirements see Transitioning from provisional to full registration policy (PDF, 514KB)
For the applicable professional standards see Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Proficient career stage) (PDF, 185KB)
For additional support see:
Strategies for supply teachers wishing to transition to full registration (PDF, 351KB)