Achieving the Standards

The process of transitioning to full registration is built on an assumption of ongoing collegial guidance and professional discussions between the provisionally registered teacher and other teachers and administrators in the school/setting(s).

A range of annotated and verified evidence must be used to demonstrate achievement of each of the seven Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Proficient career stage) (PDF, 185KB)  (the Standards) taking account of each of the descriptors. Evidence may be gathered across a number of schools/settings. This provides flexibility for teachers who are not in full-time employment, or teachers who move across locations, to demonstrate attainment of the standards.

Evidence used to demonstrate achievement against the Standards will:

  • be drawn directly from the teacher’s work
  • be derived from a range of sources
  • include notes from observation of the teacher’s teaching
  • include evidence of student learning
  • be annotated to reflect achievement of the Standards by taking account of each of the descriptors.

QCT’s Transition to Full Registration: Providing evidence of practice: EVIDENCE GUIDE (PDF, 5.4MB) must be used to guide the compilation of appropriate evidence.

Evidence should be verified by the relevant person at the time (e.g. by the principal, deputy principal, head of curriculum, head of department, fully registered mentor teacher).

It is necessary for the person reviewing the teacher's practice and making the recommendation for full registration (the Reviewer), such as a principal, to have adequate knowledge upon which to base their judgment. The Reviewer needs to have access to a range of evidence provided by the provisionally registered teacher.

Evidence must include:

  • reports on observed teaching by a mentor/experienced teacher/principal or their nominee
  • examples of planning/teaching/learning/assessing/reporting that have been annotated to demonstrate links with the Standards
  • involvement in collegial and collaborative teaching activities
  • records of guided reflection on professional practice and development against the Standards.

Requirements for teachers in early childhood services

QCT’s Transition to full registration: Providing evidence of practice: EVIDENCE GUIDE (PDF, 5.4MB) or
QCT’s Transition to full registration: An evidence guide for early childhood teachers must be used to guide the compilation of appropriate evidence.


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