Search the Queensland Register of Teachers

Register of Teachers

Employers should check the Register of Teachers when engaging a teacher.


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The Queensland Register of Teachers contains details of:

  • registered teachers
  • persons who hold permission to teach (PTT)
  • teachers whose registration or PTT has been suspended
  • former approved teachers whose registration or PTT has been cancelled for disciplinary reasons (this information is included only for the period that the person is excluded or prohibited from reapplying for registration or PTT).

The QCT continually updates the Register of Teachers to show a person’s registration status. If a teacher does not appear on the Register of Teachers, employers should ask to see an original, current Registration Certificate issued by the QCT or else contact the QCT. The Registration Certificate shows a teacher’s current registration status and any associated conditions imposed on the teacher’s registration.

The register is not intended to be used for the purposes of any other child-related employment.

If you have any questions in relation to the registration status of a teacher please contact the QCT.